Botivo is the brainchild of former bartender Sam Steavenson, who during the pandemic has been busy researching and exploring new recipes for non- alcoholic options and eventually stumbling across ancient herbal remedies called oxymels. Oxymels are herbal tonics containing vinegar and honey with history dating back to antiquity when the “father of medicine”, Hippocrates, recommended them for their believed medicinal properties.
In the absence of alcohol, these adaptations offer the perfect medium for aromatic roots, fresh herbs and botanicals to rival a French aperitif or Italian amaro.
Botivo uses traditional, centuries-old macerating techniques and patiently wait for the flavour exchange from the aromatic roots and botanicals.
Botivo Non-alcoholic Aperitif
Ingredients Rosemary, Thyme, Gentian, Wormwood, Orange Zest, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Raw Honey
ABV 0%
Process Uses centuries-old macerating techniques, inspired in ancient herbal remedies called ‘Oxymels’ - ‘Oxy’ standing for acid and ‘Mel’ for honey. The combination of acid, honey, botanicals and aromatic roots provides the texture, complexity and flavour profile as an alternative to a French aperitif or a Italian Amaro. No preservatives or flavourings are added and nothing is pasteurized.
Serving On the rocks with a twist of orange, or topped up with a dash of sparkling water. There is enough complexity without the need of tonic but it can also work well with this.